&noscript=1" /> 100% Price Guarantee at Beslag Online | Pullsonline.co.uk
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100% Price Guarantee

Beslag Online has for several years offered fantastic interior details of high quality as well as good and fast service. Our goal is and will always be to offer you as a customer a good and attractive experience where we want to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. As a step to make it even better for you as a customer, we have introduced a 100% price guarantee on our entire selection of products. We want you as a customer to feel that you have bought the products at the right price.

Should you find our products at a lower price at another retailer, we will match that price.

The following conditions apply to an approved price guarantee:

      • We offer you 100% price matching with other authorized resellers who sell the same products as Beslag Online in Scandinavia and Europe. The price being compared must include an equivalent shipping alternative and any costs for handling the order.

      • In order for the price guarantee to be approved, we need to make sure that the product is genuine, new and needs to be in the exact same design (material, size, etc). We reserve the right to deny the right to a price guarantee if the compared price deviates unreasonably from industry practice. Discounts over 25% against the regular list price can be considered abnormal.

      • Approved documentation for price matching can be a quote documentation, a direct link to another retailer's website or an original email where the price or offer is clearly stated.

      • Please keep in mind that you need to contact us before you make your purchase. Our price guarantee does not apply to orders already made.


Do you need help with a possible price match?

Then we would like you to contact us!
Please send an email to info@beslagonline.com and we will help you with your case.